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Festival Partner - $10,000 (2 avail)
6 Foot Banner Displayed above main stage one month before festival, and through festival weekend, and left up for one month after festival.
Signage at Festival Entrance - and left up for one month after festival
Logo inclusion on home page of website
Inclusion in all press releases and advertisements on social media as the premiere Festival Partner
4 all access passes and commerative t-shirts
Logo included on physical schedule released to all attendees
Logo on shirt displayed promiently
We will include a speaker of your choosing into our lineup for 15 minutes of stage time on both Saturday and Sunday.
Logo prominently displayed on commerative t-shirt
Receive a festival poster signed by all musicians, and teachers.
Set up tent at festival to promote your brand or sell your products
Festival Jam Fam - $5,000 (2 avail)
3 Foot Banner Displayed In Studio one month before festival through festival weekend.
Signage at Festival Entrance
Logo prominently displayed on our home page
4 all access passes and commerative t-shirts
Logo included on physical schedule released to all attendees
Logo on commerative festival t-shirt
Receive a festival poster signed by all muscians, and teachers.
10 x10 space for a tent/table through festival weekend festival to promote your brand and/or sell your products
Festival Jam Fam - $2,500 (1 avail)
18"x24" banner displayed in studio one month before festival through festival weekend.
Lawn Sign at Festival Entrance with your logo
2 all access passes and commemorative t-shirts
Logo included on physical schedule released to all attendees
Logo on commerative festival t-shirt
Receive a festival poster signed by all muscians, and teachers.
10 x10 space for a tent/table through festival weekend festival to promote your brand and/or sell your products
Festival Friends - $1,000 (5 avail)
Lawn Sign at Festival Entrance with your logo
1 all access pass and commemorative t-shirts
Logo included on physical schedule released to all attendees
Festival poster signed by all muscians, and teachers.
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